Guardianship Services
Available in the following areas: Philadelphia, Chester. Delaware and Montgomery Counties
Once appointed by the Court, we work tirelessly to provide for the safety, well-being and health of our clients through personalized care plans. We ensure individual estates are managed and protected responsibly and ethically.
Power of Attorney
When you are unable to manage your own affairs (maintain your home, manage your finances, pay bills, etc.) as a result of illness or accident, the Power of Attorney document gives us, as your trusted agent, the responsibility to handle your affairs as you would handle them yourself. From application of benefits, to settlement of estates, we are committed to working together to meet your individual needs, no matter how complex. We ensure our work is completed with efficiency, security, and accuracy.
*Our legal team is available to work with you in preparing this document if you do not have one.
Mental Health Treatment
- Improve the ability to function at home, work and in the community
- Strengthen life management skills
- Decrease symptoms related to illness
- Develop effective coping and stress management strategies
- Educate about illness and addiction
- Promote wellness and quality of life